Regular Hire
Our village hall is a modern building, set in the heart of the picturesque village of Swanton Morley. The hall is well equipped for a variety of uses. We have a main hall, a smaller meeting room, commercial kitchen facilities and a bar area which can be utilised for more intimate meetings or activities. For those wanting to hold outdoor events or play outdoor sports, we have a large field comprising of 2 football pitches as well as indoor changing facilities. There is also a large, gravelled car park, adequate for even the biggest events and meetings.
Our main hall can hold 280 people standing or 180 people seated. We are fully licensed by the Performing Rights Society, so you are welcome to provide any type of musical entertainment for your guests. We have full Wi-Fi facilities throughout the building.
We offer clubs and groups that meet at the hall exposure on our website, social media and notice boards and like to encourage use of what is, after all, a community venue. We are sure that we have the facilities to accommodate you, at a price you will welcome. If you would like to take a look around the hall or discuss the needs of your group, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Prior to commencement of your booking, a member of the Village Hall team will meet with you onsite at a mutually convenient time, to hand over an access card to the building. They will show you where all items are, including kitchen equipment (if applicable) and cleaning materials. They will also provide you with instructions on how to secure the building. You will be invoiced monthly, at the end of the month. Invoices are sent by email and should be paid within 14 days of receipt.
We look forward to seeing you soon.

Check availability
Confirm times are available and make provisional booking (we will hold for 14 days)
Arrange to view hall (if required)
Download booking pack
Read and agree with terms and conditions of hire
Complete booking form
Return booking form (retaining a copy) and marketing material
Receive confirmation of booking
Arrange to collect a key card before commencement of your booking
Pay invoice monthly, within 14 days of receipt